Sunday, April 22, 2007

4/11/07 - Arrival in Egypt

Here we are, arrival in Egypt. Basically uneventful. We flew out of orlando monday evening, chaange planes in Atlanta, then again in Paris. Paris was challenging because they are renovating the airport ans we had to park a loooonnngggg way from the airport. But we mwde it with 20 min to spare then had to almost fight for a seat. The plane was maxed out. We finally arrived in Cairo (Karo) at about 7:00 pm. By the time we got through customs, found our luggage, found the tour receptionist and made it out to the bus it was getting really late. We finally got to the hotel about 10:00 pm. Really Loooonnnnggg day. Our room is decient. Our balcony overlooks the pool, hotel, and the Giza Pyramids. It.s really fantastic. At night they light up the pyramids. Amazing. Good.night All !

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